Alpha Optical - Mecca Mall ألفا للبصريات

Name: Alpha Optical - Mecca Mall
Name Arabic: ألفا للبصريات
Phone Number(s): 065863588 , 065864237 , 0797650801
Phone Number(s): 065532909 , 065859260 , 0797507710
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Macca St., Mecca Mall
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع مكة, داخل مكة مول
Category English: Medical and health
Category Arabic: طب و صحة
SubCategory Arabic: بصريات
SubCategory English: Opticians

Alpha Optical - ألفا للبصريات Facebook Page:

Alpha Optical Store photo inside Mecca Mall

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#1: Sunday 22 January 2012 / 12:37:47 pm.
طلال عواد عيد (User IP ID: 114817761209)
ثالث ثنوي
ضعف في النضر مع العلم أنني أرتدي عدسات لاسقه منذ أربع سنوآت
#2: Tuesday 1 October 2013 / 9:07:28 pm.
maher al khairy (User IP ID: 15891590991)
staff are not competent
@suweifieh branch, staff are not competent. They dont know about the products they sell very well. No enough collection of persol sunglasses. I purchased an overpriced oakley sun glass for around JOD 220 and the lense was scratched. Im
very much dissatisfied.