Societe Generale - Taj Mall بنك سوسيته جنرال ـ تاج مول

Name: Societe Generale - Taj Mall
Name Arabic: بنك سوسيته جنرال ـ تاج مول
Phone Number: (06) 5920422
Fax numbers: 065920346
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Abdoun, Taj Mall - Store #039
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: عبدون, تاج مول - محل رقم 039
Category English: Financial and banking
Category Arabic: مالية و مصرفيه
SubCategory Arabic: بنوك
SubCategory English: Banks

Working Hours at Societe Generale - Taj Life Style Center
Saturdays to Thursdays: 10:00AM-3:30PM and 4:00PM-9:30PM
Fridays:  2:00PM - 9:30PM

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