Rozla Adele روزا اديل

Name: Rozla Adele
Name Arabic: روزا اديل
Phone Number(s): 0797005666
Phone Number(s): 0797401519
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Sweifieh - wakalat street - opposite to Zara - 1st Floor
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الصويفية - شارع الوكالات - مقابل زارا - الطابق الاول
Category English: Fashion (clothes and accessories)
Category Arabic: ازياء و موضة (البسة، اكسسوارات)
SubCategory Arabic: فساتين عرس و سهره
SubCategory English: Wedding and Formal Dresses

Official Facebook Page:

Rozla Adele
International Wedding Dresses, Evening dresses and Engagement dress by many famous designers now in Amman - Jordan , wait for more.

Opening Hours:
10:30 am-9:00 pm

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