Ocean - Abdullah Ghosheh Street مركز المحيط للاسماك الطازجة

Name: Ocean - Abdullah Ghosheh Street
Name Arabic: مركز المحيط للاسماك الطازجة
Phone Number: (06) 5810282
Phone Number(s): 065810282 , 0797661177
Phone Number(s): 065826906
Website: www.oceanjo.com
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Abdullah Ghosheh St - Building No. 18
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: حي الروابي - شارع عبد الله غوشة – بناية رقم 18
Category English: Food and drink
Category Arabic: طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: مسمكة
SubCategory English: Fish shops

Ocean Sea Food logo

Official Facebook Page:

Business Card of Ocean Fresh Fish restaurant in 7th circle
Business Card of Ocean Fresh Fish restaurant in 7th circle

taken on July 14th 2012 photo of Abo Rasas Falafel and Ocean SeaFood
photo Ocean Sea Food Restaurant - taken on July 14th 2012

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