Karkash Construction Materials Group مجموعة قرقش للمواد الانشائية

Name: Karkash Construction Materials Group
Name Arabic: مجموعة قرقش للمواد الانشائية
Phone Number: (06) 5856121
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Bayader Wadi Al-Seer, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: بيادر وادي السير, عمان
Category English: Constructions and Building materials
Category Arabic: مواد بناء و انشاءات
SubCategory Arabic: رخام غرانيت واحجار طبيعيه
SubCategory English: Marble granite & natural stones

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#1: Tuesday 11 October 2011 / 12:23:07 pm.
Bertan ÖZCAN (User IP ID: 1581951988)
Henkel-Adhesive Technologies
Dear Sir;
We are all from Adhesive Technologies from Henkel, I am responsible from building chemical, adhesive materials from Jordan and Iraq Market..
Pls kindly recommend you to visit our website.
e-mail addres: تم إخفاء معلومات شخصية من قبل شمس الأردن
Thank you and best regards