Kanary Hebah Store محل كناري هبة

Name: Kanary Hebah Store
Name Arabic: محل كناري هبة
Phone Number: (06) 4919410
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Northern Hashmi, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الهاشمي الشمالي, عمان
Category English: Cultivation, plants and animals
Category Arabic: زراعة و نباتات و حيوانات
SubCategory Arabic: حيوانات اليفه و اسماك زينه
SubCategory English: Pet shops

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#1: Wednesday 29 August 2012 / 5:58:18 pm.
lena (User IP ID: 159217401006)
it's really a good shop with many kinds of animals and pets it's just amazing with good price 4 any kind of animal