Issam & Samer Na'oum Co. شركة عصام وسامر ناعوم

Name: Issam & Samer Na'oum Co.
Name Arabic: شركة عصام وسامر ناعوم
Phone Number: (06) 5810001
Phone Number(s): 065858399 , 0795303227
Phone Number(s): 0795858399
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Bayader Wadi Al-Seer, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: بيادر وادي السير, عمان
Category English: Constructions and Building materials
Category Arabic: مواد بناء و انشاءات
SubCategory Arabic: رخام غرانيت واحجار طبيعيه - طوب اسمنتي
SubCategory English: Marble granite & natural stones

Issam and Samer Naoum Co.
شركة عصام وسامر نعوم للرخام والجرانيت

Address: P.O. Box 322 Bayader Wadi Al-Seer11810 Amman
Year of Establishment: 1990
Products: رخام، جرانيت

photo taken on October 13th 2011 of Issam and Samer Naom for granite
photo taken on October 13th 2011 of Issam and Samer Naom for granite

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