Mouayyad Baqaien مؤيد عايد بقاعين

Name: Mouayyad Baqaien
Name Arabic: مؤيد عايد بقاعين
Phone Number: (06) 5926160
Phone Number(s): 065926181
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Amman Surgical Dental Center, Sweifiyeh Main str. ( Princess Alia-Bint Al-Hussein Str.), building no.62, above Darwazeh Pharmacy
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: , الصويفية - ٦٢ شارع عالية بنت الحسين مركز عمان لطب وجراحة الأسنان
Category English: Medical and health
Category Arabic: طب و صحة
SubCategory Arabic: اطباء اسنان اخصائيو جراحة الفم والاسنان
SubCategory English: Dentists dental surgeons

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#1: Wednesday 14 December 2011 / 12:29:27 am.
Luma Michael (User IP ID: 142714971052)
The best Root Canal Ever - Dr. Haitham Khawaja
Addressed to Dr. Haitham Khawaja,
Dr. Haitham, you performed a root canal on a family member's tooth, it was urgent and one day before our departure to Australia. Now, all the dentists in Australia who happen to see this root canal when making an X_Ray, are surprised of how well it is performed! They say they have never seen such a good root canal in their lives! Now we have to make a new one on an other tooth, we have to visit a very specialised Endodontist , because not all dentists here perform complicated root canals, and will pay $ 2'500!
So, this is to wish you all the success and prosperity and may Amman benifit well from your experience.
Thank you