Al Badr Dibaj Production Co البدر لصناعة الديباج

Name: Al Badr Dibaj Production Co
Name Arabic: البدر لصناعة الديباج
Phone Number: (06) 4704842
Phone Number(s): 064704841
Phone Number(s): 064704844
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: عمان
Category English: Fashion (clothes and accessories)
Category Arabic: ازياء و موضة (البسة، اكسسوارات)
SubCategory Arabic: مجوهرات وصياغة
SubCategory English: Jewelries & goldsmith

Al Badr Dibaj Production Co
- Swarovski Group

General Manager:  Mrs. Kenza Touqan
Number of employees:  250 - 500
Working Hours (Sunday-Thursday) 8:00am - 6:00pm

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