
Name: Modelicious
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: (06) 5620849
Phone Number(s): 0777481905
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Gardens - Khawarizmi St., Building #6
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الجاردنز
Category English: Fashion (clothes and accessories)
Category Arabic: ازياء و موضة (البسة، اكسسوارات
SubCategory Arabic: وكالات عرض الأزياء
SubCategory English: Modeling Agencies

Official Facebook Page:

Modelicious Management is known as one of the most prestigious Middle Eastern modeling agency. Modelicious manages International and Local Runway Models, Face Models, Ushers, Promoters, Casts, Older and Kids. Modelicious also offers fashion event services that include creating, producing and developing fashion event and choreography.

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