Amman Autism Center مركز عمان للتوحد

Name: Amman Autism Center
Name Arabic: مركز عمان للتوحد
Phone Number: (06) 4291770
Phone Number(s): 0796593838
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Tabarbour
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: طبربور
Category English: Chambers and Associations
Category Arabic: دوائر و جمعيات
SubCategory Arabic: ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصه مؤسسات معاهد
SubCategory English: Handicaps institutions

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#1: Tuesday 12 March 2013 / 9:54:38 am.
Iraqi psychiatrist (User IP ID: 10361120958)
We went to train Amman autism center we are 2 psychiatric doctor from Iraq -Diayala govern ate and we went to know the cost of traing or 2 weeks in u center including residence we hope to answer on our e-mail Basemmuhamed68 psychiatry@gmail .com
#2: Friday 24 May 2013 / 8:47:36 pm.
mariam abu thallam (User IP ID: 84712931550)
Masters in special education
my name is mariam abuthallam, i have a master degree in teaching students with disabilities(birth-2nd grade) from New York, i worked with autistic students(kindergarten and first grade) in public schools in NY...I will be in Jordan this summer..
my Question is; is there any chance for someone with my experiences to find a part time job in this center?