Golden Mobile - Nokia نوكيا - جولدن موبايل

Name: Golden Mobile - Nokia
Name Arabic: نوكيا - جولدن موبايل
Phone Number: (06) 5850730
Phone Number(s): 065810881
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Medical City St., City Mall
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع المدينة الطبية, سيتي مول
Category English: Technology & Communications
Category Arabic: تكنولوجيا و اتصالات
SubCategory Arabic: هاتف متنقل مبيعات موزعون خدمات
SubCategory English: Telephone cellular sales distributors & services

logo of golden mobile nokia official distributor in amman jordan
Golden Mobile - Nokia Care Centre

Nokia Store inside City Mall
Nokia Store inside City Mall

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#1: Monday 16 September 2013 / 10:48:17 am.
معتز (User IP ID: 10639551148)
هل جهاز نوكيا 515 شريحتين متوفر حاليا لديكم وكم سعره
مرحبا هل الجهاز الظاهر في العنوان متوفر
#2: Monday 16 February 2015 / 6:26:40 pm.
raed khateeb (User IP ID: 72711611170)
need to fix device
my lumia 520 nokia device fall in water and not working now, I send it to one of the shops and they found the power supply IC's burnt. can I fix it in your work shop.