Fitness One Vega

Name: Fitness One Vega
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: (06) 5828557
Phone Number(s): 065864001 , 065859924 , 065864005
Phone Number(s): 0797717717 , 0777717717
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Macca St., Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع مكة, عمان
Category English: Fitness and Beauty
Category Arabic: لياقة و جمال
SubCategory Arabic: رياضه نوادي
SubCategory English: Sports clubs

Fitness One vega Logo

Official Facebook Page:

Opening Hours:
Sat - Thu:    5:30 am    -    11:00 pm
Fridays:    10:00 am    -    8:00 pm

Fitness One Vega: Following the success of Fitness One across its 7 Amman branches, we are revolutionizing the fitness scene with our all new flagship health and wellness center that offers the most extensive fitness and wellbeing alternatives for all age groups– The first and largest of its kind in Jordan and the region, set to turn your life around with the most diverse & leisurely facilities in the Kingdom. We offer an entirely fresh and modern approach to fitness and wellness.

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#1: Tuesday 17 March 2015 / 12:44:14 pm.
ahmad (User IP ID: 70416251009)
It's too bad that hygiene takes a backseat at this fitness center. Ventillation is almost non existant, and airconditioning in the middle of winter is rediculous, not to metion water on the fllor I the locker rooms from all the idiots who come out of the pool dripping and barefoot. Finally the noise sometimes is unbearable due to vaccum cleaning and loud music while people are training. If you have to vaccum clean and I do encourage it ofcourse, do it outside training hours.
#2: Monday 27 June 2016 / 8:24:33 pm.
Ihab (User IP ID: 99016321104)
When I say Disgusting, I'm being too nice. I agree 100% with Ahmad's comment. I'm glad I left this Gym, all they want is your money and they could care less after they got it. If I wanted to go to a nightclub I'd go to one, the loud music is ridiculous especially when everyone has to shout to have a conversation.