Nabeel Studio استوديو نبيل

Name: Nabeel Studio
Name Arabic: استوديو نبيل
Phone Number(s): 0777110830
Phone Number(s): 0796455297
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Ibraheem Al Kattan Street
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic:
Category English: Photography
Category Arabic: تصوير فوتوغرافي
SubCategory Arabic: فنون و خدمات فنية
SubCategory English: Photography & Video Shooting

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Nabeel Studio is a ceremony shooter business that has been serving the field since 1998. We have earned a reputation for technical and creative performance commitment to customer service, and consistent completion of projects on time and within any budget, large or small. All of our productions receive the same care and attention. We have the creative experience and technical expertise, consisting of skilled videographers,photographers, and freelance production personnel capable of producing a video that will stimulate, motivate and grasp your attention. At Nabeel Studio our mission is to provide high quality productions that will last a lifetime with a small party to a big wedding. We do our utmost to offer our clients a memorable & enduring gift to the future.

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