SmartBuy - University Street سمارت باي

Name: SmartBuy - University Street
Name Arabic: سمارت باي
Phone Number: (06) 5809999
Phone Number(s): 065809998
Governate: Amman
Area Info: University St., Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع الجامعة, عمان
Category English: Electricity and Electric Supplies
Category Arabic: كهربائيات و كهرباء
SubCategory Arabic: الكترونيات
SubCategory English: Electronics

SmartBuy Logo
SmartBuy - Second Branch
Address: Queen Rania Street (University St)
before sports city circle.

ساعات الدوام خلال شهر رمضان 2011
بالفرعين السابع و شارع الجامعة
10:30 am - 19:30 pm & 20:30 pm - 1:00 am

Facebook Official Page:

See also SmartBuy Main Branch at Cozmo

smart buy building overview photo univeristy street branch on August 3rd 2011
Smart buy building overview - univeristy street branch
photo taken on August 3rd 2011


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#1: Wednesday 11 April 2012 / 7:43:26 pm.
لمى (User IP ID: 98915211104)
اسعار الايباد
مرحبا اريد ان اعرف سعر الايباد 2 16 جيجا واي فاي

وايباد3 16 جيجا واي فاي

#2: Tuesday 25 June 2013 / 7:26:59 am.
احمد الرجبي (User IP ID: 103512111012)
غالي للغايه
يا اخوان بعد التجربه اغلى من السوق ب 30-40 دينار فمثلا هاتف سامسونج جراند بالسوق 230 عندهم 260 دينار
#3: Wednesday 31 July 2013 / 3:27:34 pm.
(User IP ID: 7279761170)
i phone 4 price??
#4: Sunday 2 August 2015 / 4:42:27 pm.
Alzahraa Academy (User IP ID: 83815711152)
We are completely not satisfied with your personal customer contact and services especially with so called "manager" on the7th circle branch and we will never more buy anything from any of your so called "Smart buy" boutiques nor will recommend you to anyone. We are European citizen and we well know that this branch should be a service-oriented branch as well as the staff, and your company should be a serious and honest one but obviously it wasn't, you are far away from that. We tell U that you have just lost a VIP customer.
#5: Monday 7 November 2016 / 7:26:06 am.
عصام (User IP ID: 103215711012)
صوبة غاز رومو ثلاث شعلات كم حقها