Dead Sea Spa Hotel - Head Office إدارة فندق البحر الميت العلاجي

Name: Dead Sea Spa Hotel - Head Office
Name Arabic: إدارة فندق البحر الميت العلاجي
Phone Number: (06) 5601554
Phone Number(s): 065688100
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Shmeisani, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الشميساني, عمان
Category English: Travel & Tourism
Category Arabic: سفريات و سياحة
SubCategory Arabic: فنادق
SubCategory English: Hotels

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#1: Saturday 18 February 2012 / 1:38:17 pm.
mohammad (User IP ID: 162313201636)
mr ayman al hajbi email
can you give me please the email of mr ayman al hajbi?
my email is
#2: Tuesday 8 March 2016 / 8:17:29 pm.
Melad (User IP ID: 140016661036)
Hi, I visit your hotel 3 times , but I did not pay for stay night their , I paid only for entrance and having lunch ( it was great food ) , I like your hotel's facility too much , Could your say how many I have to pay to enter your hotel ( 5 person ) only for entrance and having lunch and not to stay over night their ... ??